CAPAC Designs are an integral part of all our projects:
Standardized – Using the same proven core design circumvents extensive custom engineering required for a typical project. Providing a FIT FOR PURPOSE methodology facilitates capital, maintenance and operating efficiency. Safety and quality are engineered into the design meeting all the necessary regulatory requirements and code specifications.
Modularized – Fabrication of equipment packages under controlled shop conditions reduces the onsite construction costs considerably and dramatically improves the overall schedule. The compact design provides additional opportunities to further reduce the overall footprint by installing modules vertically.
Advanced – Utilizing next-generation technologies provides more efficient and environmentally friendly operating solutions. Process optimization reduces both the CAPEX & OPEX costs. Scalable advanced work packaging alone has proven to reduce the total installation costs by 10%.
Repeatable – The standardized design facilitates replication of the core equipment multiple times thereby reducing cost and improving the equipment delivery schedules. The opportunity to Leverage supplier relationships also exists. The transitional benefit can be incorporated to expand the incremental capacity if needed.
Reusable - The robust design provides the flexibility to relocate the equipment to another “sweet spot” if necessary.
Transportable – All modularized equipment is designed for either Intermodal transport or for High Load Corridor transport. Reusable temporary shipping beams are often employed to reduce the amount of structural steel required for equipment skids.